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Thank you for your generosity

Everything we are and have comes from God.  We are charged to take care of it on His behalf.

We want to see God’s kingdom extended and we need partners to help do that.  Our staff, facilities, programs and operating costs are all part of the effort to reach people, renew lives and release ministry.  We would love for you to partner with us.

You are always welcome at one2one as our guest but when you are ready to partner with us, your financial contribution is a very important to our ability to pursue the vision at one2one.

There are many ways to give financially and we are also called to give of our time and talents and if your interested in serving please contact our admin team for opportunities.

How can I give?

Direct Deposit

Electronic transfer is our preferred method. It is fast, efficient, has no fees and can be set up to automatically transfer based around your individual circumstances

Bank Details:

Account Name one2one Church of Christ
BSB 703-810
Account Number 05300354


We provide an opportunity at every service to give via cash for the work of the church.
Weekly offering envelopes are available to help manage your giving.


Push Pay is a convenient way of giving via your mobile phone. It relies on Visa so there are costs involved that reduce the amount that the church receives. Being a credit facility, please don’t end up in a situation were interest is payable.
It works best as a way of giving to a special offering when you don’t have cash in the moment..

Give via Pushpay


If we believe that all we have belongs to God, then our property, cars, shares and possessions also do. When we no longer have a need for these things, we should also consider how God would want us to use them for His glory. We invite you to consider leaving a gift in your will to reflect this belief.